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One woman's thoughts on urban planning and urban life in a south Indian metropolis.

30 October 2008

Support for Barack Obama from an unexpected source

Vaiko, the head of the Tamil political party, the MDMK, released his book about Barack Obama yesterday. The book was titled "Yes we can: Black People in Various Countries and the rise of the United State presidential candidate Barack Obama." I wonder what the book has to say about Dravidian history and its connection to Africa.

27 October 2008

Quote of the day

From The Hindu's article on a meeting of women bank officers: 

"It is often said that there is a woman behind every successful man. But how often have we heard of a man behind a successful woman?" asked chief guest I. B. Vijayalakshmi, cardiologist at the Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology. "You have not heard of one perhaps because such a man does not exist," she added.