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One woman's thoughts on urban planning and urban life in a south Indian metropolis.

13 May 2008

A quote from Karl Klare about Labor

"As applied political theorists, labour lawyers should consider whether democracy and human self-determination may be better served by taking advantage of technological progress gradually to release people from paid work and to reduce its centrality as a life-activity (while maintaining living standards), rather than by intensifying people's commitments to paid employment (as seems to be implied in the traditional view). Conceivably, arranging flexible entry to and exit from well-compensated, flexibly scheduled jobs and between jobs and other life-contexts such as family community and education may contribute more to ending the subordination of workers than, say, a right to vote on enterprise financial planning." (19) from Labour Law in an Era of Globalization, a book that addresses the important questions about the changing context of work in the modern world.

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